Ich freue mich

Ich freue mich

Ich freue mich, daß ich geboren bin
zu Morgendämmerung und Abendrot;
ich sage Dank, daß ich erkoren bin
zu nächtlichem Gesang und Mittagslob.

Ich freue mich, daß durch den Vogelruf
das Paradies in unser Schweigen dringt
und oft aus einem alterslosen Buch
ein Sinn in unsre schweren Augen springt.

Ich schaue auf und staune jeden Tag,
daß mich der Himmelsherr mit Namen rief,
noch eh’ es Engel oder Erde gab,
noch eh’ ich still im Mutterleibe schlief.

Ich freue mich, daß durch das Angesicht
des einen Menschen Gott den andern liebt,
wie Sonnenlicht durch bunte Fenster bricht.
Ich freue mich, daß es die Freude gibt.

Christina Egan ©2021

Two heavy black wooden doors in a white brick wall, with inscriptions as below.
“House of the Three Wise Men” and “House Jesus, Mary, Joseph” at a former Beguinage,
a kind of convent, in Ghent (Klein Begijnhof). Photograph: Christina Egan ©2018.

Written upon the passing of a good friend who had been a nun for 40 years.
Also written for her on the topic of joy through faith and prayer: Die vierte Frucht.

descending (Sankt Andreas)


from the rainbow-crossed twilight
down the narrow winding stairs
to the star-studded nightfall

from the church
to the crypt

from windows
to candles

descending far back in time
back into the sheltering earth
onto the threshold of heaven

from quiet
to silence

from proximity
to presence

the vaulted stairway awaits you
at the back of the ancient church
and hidden in your own heart

Christina Egan © 2018

(Sankt Andreas, Cologne)

Traces of colour on the floor from church windows: blurred bright patches.

This poem is best read very slowly, as if you were indeed walking down an ancient staircase at the back of a silent church…

Around the world-famous Cathedral, the twelve Romanesque churches of Cologne outdo each other in age, size, and beauty!

For German verse inspired by the mediaeval churches of Cologne, see Zugewogenpoem on faith and destiny published in a previous edition of the Münsterschwarzacher Bildkalender.

Photograph by 3268zauber: Traces of colour from church windows on the floor in Baden-Baden, Germany.

Inside the Rainbow

Please note the video Inside the Rainbow  by Francis Logan which was inspired by my verse on this internet site!

Im Inneren des Regenbogens describes a mesmerising encounter inside the rainbow of stained-glass windows — with a person or with God… The composer interpretes it as an encounter with Jesus, who is both a person and God himself; but you need not share this faith to be stirred by these sounds of celestial harmony.

You will find the entire text in English below. Please pass on Francis Logan’s beautiful music: tranquil and transcendent… Image: Still from Inside the Rainbow on YouTube. Music and video: Francis Logan © 2018. Also available on SoundCloud.

Inside the Rainbow

Inside the rainbow
In the glimmer of the glass windows
In the waterfall of grace
In the antechamber of the sky

I saw you
I felt you
I held you
I recognized you

In a luminous joy
In a sparkling silence
In a durable moment
In a house of light

Christina Egan © 2018

Kirchenkonzert / Church Concert


Joint 100th English and 100th German post!

Colourful ancient glass window, prophet in red hat, red shoes, green cloak.



Ein Dom mit hohen grauen Fensterscheiben
und berstend bunten um den Pfeilerreigen –
und alles, alles aus Musik!
Und unerreichbar fern, unsterblich stark
du stille dunkelblaue Gegenwart,
du mein Geheimnis, mein Geschick.

Christina Egan © 2008



Large astronomical clock with two blue and golden dials in wooden frame.Church Concert

A dance of pillars round the sacred site;
round them, tall windows, grey or burning bright –
and all is made of music, melody!
Unreachable, immortal and immense,
a tranquil deep-blue presence grows more dense:
it’s you, my secret, you, my destiny.

Christina Egan © 2017

Find more poems about the power of music at Quest / Suche  and Auf dem Purpurteppich / On the royal-purple rug.


There are fewer than 200 posts of poetry here, since some show parallel or similar poems in two languages (and some are in French), but almost 300 poems.


Prophet Hosea, window in Augsburg Cathedral, around 1100 (!). Photograph:  Hans Bernhard (Schnobby) (Own work) CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL, via Wikimedia Commons. — Astronomical clock with carillon playing hymns (20th c.). Marienkirche, Lübeck, Germany. Photograph: Christina Egan © 2014.




Die weiche Luft wie weißes Brot…
Das erste volle Herbstesrot
hängt überm frischgetränkten Gras.
Die Sonne bleibt durch Dunst versperrt,
doch Astern sprühn ihr Feuerwerk,
und Rosen quellen ohne Maß –
O erdgeborne Sternenpracht,
die uns am hellen Tage lacht,
o buntes Bild auf grauem Glas!


Der Himmel ist mit Blau behaucht,
die Gärten neu in Gold getaucht,
mit Gelb getränkt schon manches Laub;
und selbst das Blatt, das sterbend schwebt,
ist kupferrot wie frischerregt.
Noch einmal kost das Licht die Haut…
Das Windrad saust, die Wolke fliegt,
ein weißer Blütenball zerstiebt –
Zuletzt wird jedes Ding zu Staub.

Christina Egan © 2015

This poem has meanwhile been published in the Rhönkalender 2017.

Mer de miel

 Clouds in hte sunset, looking like a bright yellow sea, an orange coast and purple sky. An optic illusion above a real coast (not visible here).

Mer de miel

Levez vos yeux vers ce vitrail doré,
d’un jaune plus doux, d’un jaune plus pâle possible :
une baie cernée de hauts rochers
d’un bleu brumeux… Un crépuscule paisible.

Clignez vos yeux à ce vitrail distant,
mer de miel, montagne mauve, sauvage :
tout flotte au dessus de l’horizon –
des eaux de feu, une terre de nuages !

Ce paysage d’un or incomparable
s’évanouit et passe, une image…
Ou serait ça la côte impérissable
et notre terre et mer le grand mirage ?

Christina Egan © 2016

This poem takes up an idea from ancient pagan and Christian philosophy: our world may be only a pale reflexion of a higher, perfect, world. Those ‘heavens’, however, are an inaccessible and unimaginable place — beyond our universe — for which the visible sky is only an image.

The fiery sunset which took me quite literally ‘out of this world’ occurred in midwinter on one of the northernmost beaches of the Mediterranean, at the outskirts of Sète. For a daytime poem and photograph on the sea around Sète, see La Mer, enfin.

Clouds in the sunset, looking like a bright yellow sea, an orange coast and purple sky. An optic illusion above a real coast (also visible here).

Photographs: The sky above the coast in Sète, France. Christina Egan © 2016

Im Inneren des Regenbogens

Im Inneren des Regenbogens

Im Inneren des Regenbogens
im Schimmer der Glasfenster
im Wasserfall der Gnade
im Vorzimmer des Himmels

habe ich dich gesehen
habe ich dich gespürt
habe ich dich gehalten
habe ich dich erkannt

in einer leuchtenden Freude
in einer sprühenden Stille
in einem haltbaren Augenblick
in einem Haus aus Licht

Christina Egan © 2016

On the Inside of the Rainbow was written at Pentecost, my favourite religious holiday. It may be about an encounter with a beloved person or with God himself. 

The description ‘Haus aus Licht’ (‘house [made] of light’) also figures in the last line of the poem Auferstehung (Resurrection)  by Marie Luise Kaschnitz.

The English translation is available as Inside the Rainbow.



This poem inspired Francis Logan to the composition Inside the Rainbow (2018), which you can hear on SoundCloud. Francis’ piece is very tranquil and spiritual: let yourself be carried away for nine minutes of your life…

Francis also produced a video on YouTube, in which he combines his electronic music with stunning photographs of stained glass and some of my lines in English in a beautiful script.

Image: Still from Inside the Rainbow on YouTube. Music and video: Francis Logan © 2018.