Farbe ist Leben / [Colour, Life, Silence]

Shimmering, milky, rosy piece of rock, resembling the sea at sunset.

Inspired by the word cloud Colour, Life, Silence of the 25 English poems I have written over the past months (generated and designed thanks to the Simple Word Cloud Generator).
The word cloud created from this poem, in turn, brought up the corresponding German words, with a number of other words expressing the central term “poem”.
“Erschrieben” is a word I made up for bringing about something by writing, while the regular word “erleben” means experiencing and is passive… or perhaps not!

Ich freue mich

Ich freue mich

Ich freue mich, daß ich geboren bin
zu Morgendämmerung und Abendrot;
ich sage Dank, daß ich erkoren bin
zu nächtlichem Gesang und Mittagslob.

Ich freue mich, daß durch den Vogelruf
das Paradies in unser Schweigen dringt
und oft aus einem alterslosen Buch
ein Sinn in unsre schweren Augen springt.

Ich schaue auf und staune jeden Tag,
daß mich der Himmelsherr mit Namen rief,
noch eh’ es Engel oder Erde gab,
noch eh’ ich still im Mutterleibe schlief.

Ich freue mich, daß durch das Angesicht
des einen Menschen Gott den andern liebt,
wie Sonnenlicht durch bunte Fenster bricht.
Ich freue mich, daß es die Freude gibt.

Christina Egan ©2021

Two heavy black wooden doors in a white brick wall, with inscriptions as below.
“House of the Three Wise Men” and “House Jesus, Mary, Joseph” at a former Beguinage,
a kind of convent, in Ghent (Klein Begijnhof). Photograph: Christina Egan ©2018.

Written upon the passing of a good friend who had been a nun for 40 years.
Also written for her on the topic of joy through faith and prayer: Die vierte Frucht.

Grün und gülden / Green and Golden

Ancient metal disk, deep green, showing golden celestial bodies.

Grün und gülden

Auf der weiten Erdenscheibe
kauert meine kleine Bleibe
still in pfauenblauer Nacht;
und aus ungeheurer Ferne
steigen unzählbare Sterne
wie von Zauberhand entfacht.

Auf den unsichtbaren Gleisen
durch den Weltraum aber kreisen
zwei Gestirne um mein Dach:
Glück muß mir das güldne schreiben,
doch das grüne bringt mir Leiden,–
zwei verflochten tausendfach.

Christina Egan ©2017

Moon with many craters, brownish and brightly lit.


Playing with the words
“Zufall” (conincidence)
and “zugefallen” (destined).
Is love written in the stars?

See my poem Zugewogen
about longing for love,
happiness, and destiny,
or rather, providence.

Green Lagoon / Crater Lakes

Green Lagoon

Down the cauldron of the mountains,
on an island like a moon,
down the sooty, rusty hollows,
you will find the green lagoon

where your destiny is brewing,
where new dreams are bubbling up,
where the sky is pure and glowing,
where the earth is fresh and hot!

Christina Egan © 2015

Olive-green inlet amongst towering black and red rocks, entirely barren.

Crater Lakes

Afar, I’ve seen the keen and tranquil green
of crater lakes, like mirrors of my dream…
And now I turn to look into your eyes
and find the same mysterious silver gleam
and realise my dream’s materialised.
Love happens, blossoms, thrives – and never dies.

Christina Egan © 2011

Please also note my poems about the green crater lakes at Kaali, Estonia (Der Erde Auge) and at Sete Cidades, Azores (Sonett der drei Seen).

Green Lagoon, El Golfo, Lanzarote. Photograph: Justraveling.

The Path of Luck

The Path of Luck

The burnished desk of the leader groaned
under the slap of his sturdy sandal:
he brandished it over the map of Europe,
as if he signed it, large, from the left.
Roman mosaic of bottle and cupThe oil-lamp flickered, the officers frowned
and grinned and raised their cups of spiced wine:
“Don’t forge your luck while it’s hot and supple —

but fan your fate when you will it so!”
The earth would unroll like a scarlet carpet,
lavish her treasures before his feet:
the gold and the purple, sandalwood, snakeskin,
the pearl and the laurel, the wine from volcanoes.
His sandals mounting the snow-white steps,
he saw and saw not the pool of blood.

Christina Egan © 2008

Massive smooth column with Latin inscription, including the name 'Caesar', against deep-blue sky.


Altae moenia Romae

Rome rose, looked round, and conquered all,
on loot and lies loomed square and tall,
and slowly crumbled towards its fall.
Time’s march defies the highest wall.

Christina Egan © 2008


High wall of neatly piled stone and brick in the midst of the city

The first poem was written on the Ides of March and the second soon after. They reveal the dark side of Rome, the shadow of the imperial propaganda that the Empire had brought universal peace. Caesar is still celebrated as the greatest statesman ever; but he got to the top, and lifted Rome to the top, at a very great human cost.

For praise of ancient Rome, go to the narrative poem The City Lit Up about Roman London and the sonnets at The Hallowed City about the Eternal City itself.

The poem above follows the structure of an English sonnet, with three times four lines and then two in the end, with a conclusion or twist.

Illustrations: Roman mosaic, Bardo Museum, Tunis. Photograph: Christina Egan © 2014. — Milestone, Campidoglio, Rome. Photograph by Lalupa. — Roman city wall of London. Photograph by Mariordo (Mario Roberto Durán Ortiz) (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons.

alles ist möglich / der kieselstein

Large astronomical clock with two blue and golden dials in wooden frame.

alles ist möglich

nicht alles ist glücklich
nicht alles ist richtig
doch alles ist wirklich
und alles ist wichtig

nicht alles ist füglich
nicht alles ist fertig
doch alles ist möglich
und schon gegenwärtig

Christina Egan © 2011

der kieselstein

gesucht für dich, für dich gefunden
hab’ ich den kleinen kieselstein,
den beinah weißen, beinah runden
voll stille und voll sonnenschein.

ich hab’s dem schicksal abgerungen,
ein maßgeschneidertes stück glück:
nur drei verwunschen dunkle stunden,
aufblitzend einen augenblick.

Christina Egan © 2011

Marienkirche, Lübeck, Germany.
Photograph: Christina Egan © 2014.



Purple Clouds

Purple Clouds

When day and night become a seamless dream
of someone else’s iridescent eyes,
of someone else’s mesmerising voice:
you know before you have been loved in turn
that it was worth it to be born and burn.

When earth and sky become a milky screen
for someone else’s ever-changing face,
for someone else’s never-fading grace:
you know that you have lost your liberty
and gained a purpose or a destiny.

Christina Egan © 2012

Layer of orange clouds on blue sky

When you are newly in love, the other person
turns into the sole purpose of your existence —
and into the only being or object in existence.

Photograph: Christina Egan © 2014.

Moon Rainbow

Moon Rainbow

Enveloped in the velvet cloak of night,
I feel I have been chosen before birth
As secret queen of this enchanted earth,
Enrobed in moon and star and rainbow light.
Enveloped in this sparkling cloak of night,
Embroidered by an angel, tireless,
And lined with solid human tenderness,
I know I live and die to see the light.
I’m wrapped into this lining of the night:
Your silver beauty scooped out of the moon
And made to breathe and smile and give me room.
I hold your smooth and tapered fingers tight,
I hold your dreams to give them earth to bloom:
Around us moves the sky’s luminous loom.

Christina Egan © 2010

An Average Life / And All My Youth

An Average Life

The admiral butterfly
a map of happiness
on the burnished green
of the ivy in May

its glamour
its poise
its place in the sun
imagine you had it

bright as a bracelet
fine as a feather
strong as a storm
imagine you were it

and you practised your movements
studied your speeches
turned up in good time –
and your part has been cancelled

the play goes ahead
with you as a servant
in black in the background
required to smile.

Christina Egan © 2010


And all my youth I have been old

Amidst the wealth of my existence
I suffer hunger dark and cold
I am invisibly imprisoned
and all my youth I have been old

On narrow shoulders I must carry
my illness like an awkward cross
I am inexorably burdened
by frailty and its offspring loss

Christina Egan © 2010