Schöpfung (Darß)



schwebend zwischen ungeheuern
wassern und verwunschnen teichen
will die erde sich erneuern
wälder zeugen dünen häufen


wird die see den see erwählen
kraft die ruhe salz die süße
muß sich blau dem grau vermählen
daß es ineinanderfließe


wie die schaumgekrönte göttin
einst dem wilden meer entstieg
so dem bloßen sand die blüte
und dem wüsten schmerz das lied

Christina Egan © 2015

On the Darß (Darss), you can observe ‘Creation’ at work:
between ocean and ponds, between dunes and woods.

The last poem describes the ‘Creation’ of art as another
natural, elemental, process: beauty born out of pain.

You can read an English poem about the Darss at
Midsummernight Far North.

Parallel English and German poems about a similar
phenomenon on the German North Sea coast are at
Views of North Sea Islands.

On the Volcano’s Rim

On the Volcano’s Rim


Hoher blauer Himmel,
weißer Wolkenflug,
ungestüme Winde,
rascher Schattenzug

über rote Halden,
über graue Höhn,
über grüne Matten,
wo schon Sterne stehn:

abertausend Blüten
wie ein Frühlingslied,
Goldstaub, den die Sonne
aus dem Erdreich zieht!

Christina Egan © 2015

Gold Dust

Blue sky, ever higher,
white clouds in full flight,
winds wilful and forceful,
swift change of the light

across the red boulders,
across the grey height,
across the green lichen,
where stars tremble bright:

a flourish of flowers
and spring in a splash,
the gold dust the sun
can draw out of the ash!

Christina Egan © 2015

Dreaming Dragon

Dew-drops sparkling in all colours
on the mighty coal-black craggy
shoulder of a dreaming dragon:
so these tiny tender flowers
perch on the volcano’s terrace –
fire, earth and wind distilled
to a dainty dotted quilt.

Ceaseless gales and sleepless fire,
ashes fed with salty dew –
ocean and volcano brew
flora’s early, lacy layer,
magic carpet in the air,
in the boundless brown and blue…
Dreams are real. Dreams come true.

Christina Egan © 2015

The Hoard

As the mountain bears the flower,
as the giant holds the gem,
so the hour bears my poem:
purple speck on silver stem.

Where a myriad wild flowers
sprout behind the dry-stone wall,
I must gather all my powers
till the heavens hear my call.

Christina Egan © 2015

Valentine on the Volcano

We dance on the volcano’s rim –
although its low and sunken side,
although extinct for centuries –
tossed partly by the wild wind’s whim
and partly drunk with liquid life –
suspended over sky-blue seas!
(I found my love above Teguise!)

Christina Egan © 2015

Plain and mountain range with very dark surfaces, rosy clouds in sky

The little volcano. Photograph: Christina Egan © 2015

These lines all sprang from one of the greatest experiences of my life: climbing a little volcano on the isle of Lanzarote, about which you can find a poetic description in German and English at Isle of Bliss / Insel der Seligkeit.

Gold Dust and The Hoard could equally be set in my native Rhön Mountains, also of volcanic origin, but very far inland and much greener.

The three poems in English only may work quite well in an automatic translator. The first two poems are translations of each other, or rather, parallel creations in German and English, where rhythm and rhyme required some changes in wording. It is better to do it this way, since the message is partly conveyed by rhythm and rhyme!

You could leave out the line in brackets to use the poem for a Valentine’s or anniversary card. Copy that line, though, into your list of places to see — both little towns, Teguise and Costa Teguise, because one has got the history and the other one the beach!

This handful of poems almost sums up my work: they describe plants and mountains and the sea; they refer to most basic colours; conclude with thoughts on art and religion and love; and use the beauty of language to capture the beauty of the world.

Midsummernight Far North

Midsummernight Far North

This is the edge of the land.
The number of signals is seven:
The shimmering sand,
the green in the sea,
the red in the sky,
the crescent and star,
the bonfire’s glint,
the lighthouse’s fan,
the flashing afar —

The number of wonders is seven.
This is the midsummernight,
this is the height of the light,
this is the hem of the heavens.

We are alive.
We are together.
This is all here.
This is forever.

Christina Egan © 2015

The Darß (Darss) is a  tranquil strip of land between some lakes and the Baltic Sea.
Around summer solstice, dusk is only between ten and eleven (summertime). 
A German poem about dusk on the Darss is ostseeschlaflied (Baltic Sea Lullaby).

O Heimatland aus Stein und Licht

O Heimatland aus Stein und Licht

O Heimatland aus Stein und Licht,
o Silberstamm und Silberblatt,
o Flammenhimmel, Flammenstrand,
o weiße Mauer, weiße Stadt
und blendendblaue ruhige Bucht!
Mein steiles, karges, klares Land –
o sonnensatte Lebenslust!

Christina Egan © 2015


The poem was inspired by this woodcut, “Elba –
Land der Esel”
by Ottilie Ehlers-Kollwitz (1955).
For a larger view click here: Galerie Spermann.