Brief Encounter (II/III)

Brief Encounter (II/III)

Christina Egan ©2024

Poem about a red fish in dark water in the shape of a fish, in red print on dark background.

Visual poetry: Brief Encounter (I).
Text and design: Christina Egan ©2024.

Brief Encounter (I)

Brief Encounter (I)

Christina Egan ©2024

Bright red koi fish coming out from underneath curved green bridge across pond

Photograph: Christina Egan ©2013


Playing with the words
“Zufall” (conincidence)
and “zugefallen” (destined).
Is love written in the stars?

See my poem Zugewogen
about longing for love,
happiness, and destiny,
or rather, providence.

Tepid Tides

Gegenwart (Wie Kalksteinhügel)


Wie Kalksteinhügel liegen deine Wangen
und deine Haare wie ein Pinienwald.
Schon zittert meine Seele vor Verlangen
nach deiner bloß erratenen Gestalt.

Ein dunkler Doppelsee sind deine Augen,
noch beinah unberührt und unergründlich.
Ob sie auch meine Zukunft in sich bergen,
ist beinah ungedacht und unerfindlich.

Und wie das warme Meer rollt deine Stimme,
wenn sich orangerot der Tagstern neigt…
O schautest du nur auf und hieltest inne –
und würdest niemals bloß Vergangenheit!

Christina Egan © 2014

Dusk by the sea: glow of sunset amongst dark clouds and on waves lapping onto the shore.

Description of a new acquaintance in terms of a Mediterranean landscape.

The title plays on the double meaning of the German word “presence” / “present”: the speaker is mesmerised by the other person and already has a faint hope that he or she will become the future… and never slide back into the past.

Sunset on a Mediterranean shore in January. – Photograph: Christina Egan © 2016.

The Purple Grape

The Purple Grape

The purple grape,
soaked with a whole summer,
bears more than sweetness in it:

secret sparks
which will burst on your tongue,
which will rise like fire
to your temples, your wrists.

The purple grape’s flesh,
crushed, filtered, fermented,
harbours a truth,
a dark and dense
and undiscovered truth,
a relentless ruler.

Find dreams flipping over
into life, find sun
running through your veins,
find the more
you were made for.

Christina Egan © 2006

Thirst (I’m drawn to you by magnets)



I’m drawn to you by magnets,
I’m driven, drained with thirst –
yet later I’ll be grateful
that nothing happened first,

that I have always loved you
because you are yourself,
and not because you know me
or kissed me once in stealth.


It is as if these vessels,
these smooth and sparkling words,
whose hollow space entices,
reflects, rejects and hurts,

got filled with blood-red spirit
of strong reality:
Desire. Joy. Surrender.
Embrace. Eternity.

Christina Egan © 2004

Mond und Morgenstern

Mond und Morgenstern

Du könntest den Mond berühren,
den Mond und den Morgenstern.
Ich harre an offenen Türen;
du schaust nur herüber von fern.

Versäumst du die kostbare Stunde
des herbstlichen Sternschnuppenfalls?
Ich stehe mit bebendem Munde,
als seist du die Mitte des Alls.

Ich möchte dir näher begegnen,
bevor uns der Sommer entsinkt,
anstatt eine Hand zu segnen,
die nur im Vorübergehn winkt.

Ich sah, daß in deinen Augen
verlorenes Mondlicht liegt.
Ich möchte so gern an dich glauben…
Ich hätte dich gerne geliebt.

Christina Egan © 2018

Purple Wine

Purple Wine


Deep purple and pure is this wine,
the midsummer’s fire condensed,
expanding inside me, immense:
your kiss – you are finally mine.

Large flat flower in white and purple, with long purple stem, small orange fruit, shiny green leaves.


There’s twenty-one words on the paper,
of wine and a night I forgot:
yet flowers and fruits bore my plot,
your kiss sparkles many years later…

Christina Egan © 2005 (I) / 2020 (II)

Photograph: Christina Egan © 2016.

This Is (Your Face, Lit up)

This Is

Your face, lit up,
perhaps, by me,
eclipses morning star and moon –
one word from you,
or more, maybe,
would freeze the clock at burning noon.

Don’t stop your step,
don’t hold your breath,
don’t soothe yourself it is too soon:
this is the life
as strong as death
that you have craved for. Let it bloom.

Christina Egan © 2004