Snow, Slow / Schnee, langsam

Patio with some plants at far end covered in thick fresh snow.Snow, Slow
(Christmas Haiku)

Snow, slow, abundant,
covering the sleek black soil
like icing-sugar.


Flames of real candles
in the darkened room, like stars
visiting the earth.


Tinsel billowing
on the fir-twigs, as if stirred
by an angel’s wing.


Schnee, langsam

Schnee, langsam, reichlich,
fällt auf blanke schwarze Erde…
wie Zuckerstaub.


im Dämmer… wie Sterne,


Lametta flattert
an Zweigen… wie angerührt
von Engelsflügeln.

 Christina Egan © 2017


Real candles, even made of beeswax, are still common on Christmas trees in Germany, and lametta is used more sparingly and usually silver, reminiscent of snow.

Thick snow is nowadays a rare phenomenon in England… Note the tiny Christmas tree taken out after the festive days (and later planted into the soil!). – Photograph: Christina Egan © 2018.

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