Oasis (Marrakesh)


All these proud palm-trees,
a thousand and one, now bow
before your beauty.


A road of roses,
an avenue fit for a king –
just right for you.


Desert dust reaches
for your ankles of marble,
envied by my hands.


Christina Egan © 2016

Orange tree full of fruit and rose tree with large roses in front of high pink wallsThis is actually a set of winter poems: Morocco in midwinter is like northern Europe in midsummer! Marrakesh welcomes you with warm sunshine, thousands of palm-trees and tens of thousands of roses in all colours… Around the city, wherever the ancient irrigation system does not reach, the land stretches dry and dusty.

Photograph: Orange-trees and rose-trees within the rose-coloured walls of Marrakesh. Christina Egan © 2012

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