Ripe Apples and Pears

Ripe Apples and Pears
(Rhön, September)


Ripe apples and pears,
plenty, between the pebbles
in the nimble stream.


The forest, still green,
whispers and rustles and taps
with dropping acorns.


The gilded beech-tree
stretches out one long arm
towards the morning sun.


Christina Egan © 2013

Green field in the foreground, flat top of wooded hill with chapel in the distance, much blue sky above.

These haiku were written on walks around the Florenberg, a steep little hill in Germany, clothed with forest and crowned with a one-thousand-year-old chapel. The Fulda area was covered with beech-trees and oak-trees once.

Summit of Florenberg in spring, seen from another hilltop. Photograph: Christina Egan © 2014.

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