Im Inneren des Regenbogens

Im Inneren des Regenbogens

Im Inneren des Regenbogens
im Schimmer der Glasfenster
im Wasserfall der Gnade
im Vorzimmer des Himmels

habe ich dich gesehen
habe ich dich gespürt
habe ich dich gehalten
habe ich dich erkannt

in einer leuchtenden Freude
in einer sprühenden Stille
in einem haltbaren Augenblick
in einem Haus aus Licht

Christina Egan © 2016

On the Inside of the Rainbow was written at Pentecost, my favourite religious holiday. It may be about an encounter with a beloved person or with God himself. 

The description ‘Haus aus Licht’ (‘house [made] of light’) also figures in the last line of the poem Auferstehung (Resurrection)  by Marie Luise Kaschnitz.

The English translation is available as Inside the Rainbow.



This poem inspired Francis Logan to the composition Inside the Rainbow (2018), which you can hear on SoundCloud. Francis’ piece is very tranquil and spiritual: let yourself be carried away for nine minutes of your life…

Francis also produced a video on YouTube, in which he combines his electronic music with stunning photographs of stained glass and some of my lines in English in a beautiful script.

Image: Still from Inside the Rainbow on YouTube. Music and video: Francis Logan © 2018.

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